We finally received the FIT payment from our electricity supplier (SSE) on the 31 January, exactly one month after submitting our meter reading. Not too bad given the stories that are circulating about other suppliers and the need to chase them for payment. The amount was just over £300 although this did include the last 10 days of September which were not strictly part of this quarter and accounted for around £60 of the total. Our FIT registration hadn't been processed in time for them to pay this in the previous quarter.
I am still waiting for our electricity bill for the winter quarter, the meter reading was submitted last week but they usually send the bill out in the first week of February. Once I have this I can make an estimate of how much our electricity bill has been reduced. The number of units used during this quarter over the last three years are very similar so any difference will almost certainly be down to using our own electricity.The meter reading indicated it would be something like one third less than previous years. Of course it would have been much easier to measure how much we had saved if we had an export meter.
I will post a summary of the earnings + savings for the quarter once the bill arrives.
Good news is that February has started very sunny if rather cold, the sunshine is at least some compensation for the cold weather.
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